Learning in California


Learning Objectives

Meet Educational Goals in California 

The California Department of Education’s 21st century mission includes advancing students’ understanding of and engagement with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. While this goal aligns with state and national STEM education standards, it also coordinates with California’s English Language Development (ELD) standards

The Golden State’s young people bring a wealth of linguistic, cultural, and experiential diversity to California schools, and contribute to a vibrant future workforce. To reach and exceed their academic and professional potential, all students must be supported by appropriate course content and project-based learning engagements at all levels. SmartLab Learning can help. 

SmartLab Learning In California

Support All Learners with Project-Based Engagements

In addition to fulfilling statewide English learner goals, SmartLab Learning Solutions are in 70% or higher alignment with the following nationwide and state-specific standards:

To support state-wide implementation of the English Learner Roadmap, the California Board of Education encourages the adoption of innovative, research-based programming and related professional development opportunities. 


Project-Based Engagements

Through hands-on, minds-on instruction, SmartLab Learning Solutions contextualize core concepts for learners of all abilities while aligning with core education principles.

Teaching the Whole Child:

SmartLab Learning environments hold space for learners of all backgrounds, lived experiences, and social-emotional needs to build toward solutions together. 

Supporting Intervention Efforts:

By making authentic connections to course content, all SmartLab learners can discover wonder in the classroom. 

Personalized Learning Engagements:

The SmartLab is a place that prioritizes equity over equality. Facilitators are equipped to personalize course content that engages each student—so that, regardless of their process, learners succeed alongside their peers.

Post-Secondary Preparedness:

Through hands-on, collaborative problem-solving, SmartLab learners develop next-generation skills including effective communication, critical thinking, and diplomacy.


SmartLab Standards Alignment

Academic Achievement in the Golden State

SmartLab Learning Solutions are in 70% or higher alignment with the following nationwide and state-specific standards: 

  • CA Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice: Learners apply mathematical concepts to solve problems they can see and feel. | Learn More
  • Next Generation Science Standards: Hands-on learning engagements bring core science concepts to three-dimensional life. | Learn More
  • International Society for Technology in Education Standards: Empowered with access to innovative tools—and the agency to explore their applications—students grow into their roles as digital citizens. | Learn More

SmartLabs in California

See which California schools and districts have implemented SmartLab Learning solutions. 

Discover Your Funding Options

The Creative Learning Systems team has helped public, private, rural, urban, large, and small schools secure funding.


Funding STEM for the Long Term

Your Roadmap to Funding a Sustainable STEM Program


EANS for Private Schools

Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools


Private Donors

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Funding Through Grants

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SmartLab Funding Guide

Fuel your STEM initiatives with comprehensive funding strategies

Learn More About Funding STEM for the Long Term

EANS Funding Can Support STEM Programs

Talk to a CLS Regional Sales Manager to learn how your private school can access the right funds.

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Our Partners

Equitable STEM Programming Made Possible

Meet the private donors working to make SmartLab Learning accessible to all.

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Explore Active Grant Opportunities

You don’t have to go it alone — the CLS team can help you with the grant search and application process.

Mrs. Pinegar

“We incorporate science, history, math, reading, and writing in the SmartLab HQ. The activities can be open ended allowing the students to come up with their own outcome, or they can be solved multiple ways allowing the students to learn from their classmates.”

Mrs. Pinegar
TK–4 Teacher, Saint Junipero Serra Catholic School | Private | Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
St. Patrick School

“I used to struggle to get students engaged in analyzing the ‘standard’ spreadsheets I provided in my math lessons. Now, with the SmartLab, students design an experiment, collect unique data in Excel, analyze the data in class, and publish the results. Students are so much more motivated to analyze data grounded in their unique experiments. I have also noticed that their thinking is deeper, their questions are better, and the collaboration causes a depth of rigor not seen in my class previously.”

St. Patrick School
San DIego, CA
Talon C

“We’re reminded and understand that there are no wrong answers and no mistakes. It is a safe place to explore and learn.”

Talon C
7th grade, Saint Junipero Serra Catholic School | Private | Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

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