Visit a Georgia SmartLab Near You!

Want to experience the magic that happens in a SmartLab first hand?

Where: The SmartLab team will be hosting school visits regularly during the 2024-25 school year. Bookmark this page and check in for upcoming visits in SmartLabs across Georgia!

Agenda for School Visits:

SmartLab school visits occur during the school day and typically last between 90 minutes and two hours.

The agenda will vary based on the school’s schedule, but they typically include a classroom observation, an opportunity to talk with the SmartLab facilitator and school administrator(s), and a debrief over snacks or a lite meal.    

Your local sales rep will send you the detailed agenda for your school visit once you’ve registered.

Questions? Send us an Email.

Please RSVP at least 3 days before your school visit so we can save a seat for you!

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Learning Objectives

Georgia’s Commitment to Education 

The Georgia Department of Education aims to offer a holistic education to every child in the state, thereby graduating students who are “ready to learn, ready to live, and ready to lead.” But what does this mean in the everyday classroom? 

To prepare learners for post-secondary success, K–12 programming needs to be accessible and engaging to every student, presenting core concepts with an eye on the ever-evolving future. With project-based STEM/STEAM engagements that strengthen students’ academic and social-emotional skills, SmartLab Learning can help educators ignite curiosity and passion in tomorrow’s innovators. 

SmartLab Learning In Georgia

Support Your Future Problem-Solvers

To prepare learners for the 21st century workplace, the Georgia Department of Education has made a strong commitment to furthering STEM and Career and Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) initiatives throughout the state. This means increasing access to learning technologies, delivering relevant course content, and preparing educators with the right training. 

SmartLab Learning supports the increased implementation of these programs by providing: 

To learn more about the research and philosophy behind SmartLab Learning, click the button below. 


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